Saturday, August 16, 2008

'Missing Persons' episodes online

Like many, if not all, of Fred's newer fans, I'd never seen his older stuff, mainly old and canceled TV, so I went searching. I first found screencaps, but then I one upped myself, episodes! Clear, pretty episodes! The show leaves...much to be desired and I find it odd watching a crime show with beepers( I was only two when the show came on, cut me some slack ). Despite Fred looking like a gorgeous 17-year-old at 27, it is close to mind numbing(Though I found it funny, Doakes, Sara Sidle, and Marshall Mann all working together).

Anyways, if you live in the UK you're in luck, you won't have to go through any trouble, but if you're in the US you'll need to do a few things. Since ITV only allows their site to be viewed from UK IPs you'll need to set up a proxy, which I'll tell you how to do at the end of this post for those who don't know.

WATCH THE EPISODES HERE! ( and please note these episodes up now will only be up for 20 to 30 more days, so watch while you can! )

How to set up a proxy
*This is firefox3 specific but I'm sure that IE is similar*

- Find a UK proxy (ISP and port. google 'uk proxy' or try here you may need to try a few before finding one that will work)
- Go to tools-> options-> advanced-> network-> connection-> settings
- Check 'Manual Proxy Configuration' and put the ISP into the 'http proxy' box and port into the 'port' box.
- click OK and go to the site/episode you want.

It may take a second to show up and sometimes you need to refresh a couple times, but with the right proxy it will work. And, there are two commercials before the episode and 4 between each of the 4 parts, if it's anymore you'll need to reload. When you're done, simply go back through tools to your connections tab and select 'No Proxy'.

Happy Watching!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

New Audio Interview

Frederick's screenplay "Streetcar" was among the four chosen in the WILDsound Screenplay, Reading Series, Summer SHORT SCREENPLAY, and TV SPEC Showcase.

You can listen to the interview HERE and find more info on the festival in which Fred's screenplay will be preformed(and he will be attending) HERE

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Just a quick Happy Birthday to Francis, Fred's father, without him who else's child would we obsess over?

Monday, August 4, 2008

IPS Recap: To Serge with Love

30+ Enjoy.

Also, no real news to update. There are reviews, most of which are not too Fred friendly. Those can frankly suck it. If you want to read what critics who spend all day with their nose in the air and a thumb up their ass say, just google 'Fred Weller As You Like it' and sift.

If anyone went and has a story/some thoughts of their own, I'd love to hear/post. Just email me(it's in the description ->)